High School Cell Phone Guidelines
- 2024-25
Starting the first day of school, high school students will have new guidelines for cell phone use during the school day.
Starting the first day of school, high school students will not be allowed to use cell phones during instructional times in any academic space, including the media center.
However, students will be allowed to use their phones during passing time and lunch hours.
Specific Restrictions:
- Locker Rooms and Bathrooms: Devices with photo-taking capabilities are NOT allowed in locker rooms or bathrooms at any time.
- Lockdowns and Fire Drills: Phone usage during lockdowns and fire drills is prohibited.
- Unauthorized Recording: Students who take pictures or videos of others without permission in any school setting, including the bus, will face disciplinary actions.
We firmly believe that this will positively impact the learning experience of our students and create an environment where every student can thrive academically and socially.
If you have any questions regarding our cell phone guidelines please visit our cell phones webpage or feel free to contact your school directly.
Thank you for your support and cooperation in implementing these new cell phone guidelines. We look forward to a successful school year.
- High School