Course Guide
With over 80 course options in core subjects and Career and Technical Education, including AP and Honors-level offerings, SoWashCo Online ensures a rigorous academic experience. The curriculum aligns with NCAA accreditation and Quality Matters National Standards for high-quality online instruction. Staff continuously seek student feedback to refine course structures, enhance engagement, and provide a dynamic online learning experience.
Enrollment is open year-round for students in grades 9-12 within SoWashCo high schools and for students from any high school within the state.
View the current online courses available at SoWashCo Online below. To learn more about SoWashCo high school course guides and registration process, visit the course guide page on the District website.
Note: Online courses are subject to waitlists (high enrollment) and/or closures (low enrollment), when enrolling in a class your brick and mortar counselor or a SoWashCo Online representative will verify your courses prior to enrollment.
SoWashCo Online Courses 2024-2025
SoWashCo Online
2024-25 current online courses
2024-25 District high school courses